Canon Ambassador Aline Deschamps took this image of a migrant domestic worker from Sierra Leone dancing on the beach in Beirut, Lebanon, as part of her series I Am Not Your Animal. Aiming to shatter stereotypes through her work, Aline highlights qualities in the people she photographs that might otherwise go unnoticed. Taken on a Canon 365bet体育投注_365bet体育娱乐场-app官方下载@ with a Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM lens at 1/6400 sec, f/2.8 and ISO250. ? Aline Deschamps
Canon Ambassador Aline Deschamps is a French-Thai photographer whose work mainly focuses on issues relating to identity, including gender, migration, exile and cultural heritage. Using creative digital techniques, she challenges established perceptions and encourages us to see familiar subjects in new ways.
Aline was born in Paris but was raised in Bangkok until she was six years old, before returning to live in the French capital. She studied in Paris, gaining a master's degree in international relations at Pantheon-Sorbonne University and a postgraduate diploma in digital media arts at ?cole Professionnelle Supérieure d'Arts Graphiques (EPSAA).