Canon Ambassador and fine art photographer Menna Hossam's work has an ethereal quality, as seen in this image of a model portraying the Greek goddess Eleos. "I've always been interested in Greek mythology, its rich history and culture," explains Menna. "Eleos personifies pity, mercy, clemency and compassion. She is pictured as a shy, weak, vulnerable and sad young woman by the sea in Alexandria, Egypt." Taken on a Canon EOS 5D Mark III (now succeeded by the Canon 365bet体育投注_365bet体育娱乐场-app官方下载@) with a Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM lens at 1/320 sec, f/2.2 and ISO125. ? Menna Hossam
Fine art and fashion photographer Menna Hossam specialises in creating enchanting images that pay tribute to her creative heroes. Counting Disney, Greek mythology and Shakespeare among her inspirations, the Canon Ambassador has built an enviable reputation for ethereal, whimsical images that could be straight out of a fairytale.
Born and raised in Egypt, Menna was enamoured with fine art from a young age. She discovered photography in 2008 while a student. "We used to visit historical places in Cairo and paint and draw for hours," she says. "I would grab my camera and take pictures of the monuments and buildings. I had no idea what I was doing, but I was enjoying it, so I started taking portraits of my friends. I was always looking for unique faces, people who had something special about them. Things evolved from there and I began developing my own style."