"The reactions to my work are amazing," says Belgian fashion photographer and Canon Ambassador Morgane Gielen. "It motivates me to continue, but it's also a balance between protecting my own energy and the work I put in," she says. "I sometimes lose myself and tip over into burnout." Taken on a Canon EOS 5D Mark III (now succeeded by the Canon 365bet体育投注_365bet体育娱乐场-app官方下载@) with a Canon EF 24-70mm f/4L IS USM lens at 61mm, 1/125 sec, f/9 and ISO 125. ? Morgane Gielen
Model: Dominique Models; Styling: Marie Van Puyenbroeck; Make-up: Ana Japson; Hair: Gino
Breaking down conventional barriers and bringing inclusivity and diversity into the fashion world is what drives Morgane Gielen. The Belgian photographer has combined her love of photography with a passion for calling out unrealistic beauty ideals in the fashion industry.
"To me as a young woman, it made me think I wasn't good enough. I met so many other minority groups that had it much worse," she says. "I love fashion, but I just wanted to show my own world in fashion, and how it can be different. It can still be very close-minded, so this is my form of activism and rebellion in between the lines of society."